Exploring block alignments
In this next tutorial section we explore block alignments in more detail.
Extracting block alignments
Let's consider a core block from our graph:
block_stats = graph.to_blockstats_df()
# block_id count n_strains duplicated core len
# ...
# 1745536582941762917 15 15 False True 2932
# ...
block = graph.blocks[1745536582941762917]
The block can be exported as a biopython alignment object:
aln = block.to_biopython_alignment()
# Alignment with 15 rows and 2932 columns
# ...
This can be easily written to a file and visualized with a multiple sequence alignment viewer such as aliview:
# write alignment to file
from Bio import AlignIO
AlignIO.write(aln, "aln.fa", "fasta")
As explained in Pangraph tutorial, insertions are not exported in alignments since they are not aligned to the consensus sequence of the block by pangraph.
If these insertions are important for your analysis, you can instead export unaligned but complete block sequences as biopython SeqRecord objects with:
records = block.to_biopython_records()
These can then be easily written to file with:
from Bio import SeqIO
SeqIO.write(records, "seqs.fa", "fasta")
and then aligned with a multiple sequence alignment tool such as MAFFT:
mafft seqs.fa > aln.fa
Core genome alignment
Other than the alignment for single blocks, we can also extract the alignment of the full core genome, i.e. the concatenated alignment of all single-copy core blocks. Pangraph has a dedicated export subcommand for this:
pangraph export core-genome --guide-strain RCS34_p1 plasmids.json -o core_aln.fa
Alternatively pypangraph provides the following method:
core_aln = graph.core_genome_alignment(guide_strain="RCS34_p1")
# Alignment with 15 rows and 64989 columns
# ...
The guide strain argument is the name of the path that is used to determine the order of the blocks in the alignment.
Sequence divergence
From the core-genome alignment we can quantify the sequence divergence in our dataset.
We can start by quantifying how the amount of divergence changes along the alignment. One simple way is to quantify the number of polymorphic sites along the alignment.
import numpy as np
# turn the alignment in a numpy matrix
A = np.array(core_aln)
# exclude sites with gaps
non_gap = np.all(A != "-", axis=0)
A = A[:, non_gap]
# whether a site is polymorphic
is_polymorphic = np.any(A != A[0, :], axis=0)
We can then plot the histogram of polymorphic sites along the alignment:
import seaborn as sns
bin_size = 500
x = np.arange(len(is_polymorphic))
weights = is_polymorphic.astype(int) / bin_size
sns.histplot(x=x, weights=weights, binwidth=bin_size)
Divergence varies along the alignment, with on average 5% of sites being polymorphic.
For every pair of sequences, we can also quantify the pairwise sequence divergence:
import pandas as pd
import itertools as itt
# calculate pairwise divergence matrix
plasmids = [record.id for record in core_aln]
div = {}
for i, j in itt.combinations(range(len(plasmids)), 2):
seq_i, seq_j = A[i], A[j]
d = np.sum(seq_i != seq_j) / A.shape[1]
div[(plasmids[i], plasmids[j])] = d
div[(plasmids[j], plasmids[i])] = d
div = pd.Series(div, name="divergence").unstack().fillna(0)
# RCS100_p1 RCS29_p1 RCS33_p1 ...
# RCS100_p1 0.000000 0.021943 0.021943 ...
# RCS29_p1 0.021943 0.000000 0.000000 ...
# RCS33_p1 0.021943 0.000000 0.000000 ...
# ... ... ... ... ...
The average pairwise divergence on the core-genome is 1.7%, but it is highly variable between pairs of plasmids. By visualizing the divergence matrix we can clearly see the presence of different clades, with very low within-clade divergence and high between-clade divergence:
Core genome tree
An alternative way of visualizing the divergence between plasmids and their relationships is to build a phylogenetic tree. This can easily be done from the core-genome alignment with different tree builders. For instance using FastTree:
fasttree -nt -gtr core_aln.fa > core_tree.nwk
The resulting tree file can be visualized with interactive online viewers such as auspice:
and it reflects the relationships that we observed in the divergence matrix.