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Command-line reference


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This document contains the automatically generated reference documentation for command-line arguments of the latest version of Pangraph CLI.

If you have Pangraph CLI installed, you can type pangraph --help to read the latest documentation for your installed version of Pangraph. To generate this document in markdown format, run pangraph help-markdown >

Command Overview:


Bioinformatic toolkit to align large sets of closely related genomes into a graph data structure.

Finds homology amongst large collections of closely related genomes. The core of the algorithm partitions each genome into pancontigs (also called blocks) that represent a sequence interval related by vertical descent. Each genome is then an ordered walk along pancontigs. The collection of all genomes form a graph that captures all observed structural diversity. The tool is useful to study structural variations in the genome, perform comparative studies of genome gain, loss, and rearrangement dynamics; or simply to compress many related genomes.

Publication: "PanGraph: scalable bacterial pan-genome graph construction." Nicholas Noll, Marco Molari, Richard Neher. Microbial Genomics 9.6 (2023): 001034.; doi:


Source code:

Questions, ideas, bug reports:

Usage: pangraph [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  • build — Align genomes into a multiple sequence alignment graph
  • export — Export a pangraph to a chosen file format(s)
  • simplify — Generates a simplified graph that only contains a subset of the input genomes
  • reconstruct — Reconstruct all input fasta sequences from graph
  • schema — Generate JSON schema for Pangraph file format
  • completions — Generate shell completions
  • help-markdown — Print command-line reference documentation in Markdown format
  • --verbosity <VERBOSITY> — Set verbosity level of console output

    Default value: warn

    Possible values: off, error, warn, info, debug, trace

  • --silent — Disable all console output. Same as --verbosity=off

  • -v, --verbose — Make console output more verbose. Add multiple occurrences to increase verbosity further

  • -q, --quiet — Make console output more quiet. Add multiple occurrences to make output even more quiet

  • -j, --jobs <JOBS> — Number of processing jobs. If not specified, all available CPU threads will be used

pangraph build

Align genomes into a multiple sequence alignment graph

Usage: pangraph build [OPTIONS] [INPUT_FASTAS]...

  • <INPUT_FASTAS> — Path(s) to zero, one or multiple FASTA files with input sequences. Multiple records within one file are treated as separate genomes.

    Accepts plain or compressed FASTA files. If a compressed fasta file is provided, it will be transparently decompressed. Supported compression formats: gz, bz2, xz, zstd. Decompressor is chosen based on file extension. If there's multiple input files, then different files can have different compression formats.

    If no input files provided, the plain fasta input is read from standard input (stdin).


  • -o, --output-json <OUTPUT_JSON> — Path to output JSON file with resulting pangraph.

    If the provided file path ends with one of the supported extensions: "gz", "bz2", "xz", "zst", then the file will be written compressed. If the required directory tree does not exist, it will be created.

    Use "-" to write the uncompressed data to standard output (stdout). This is the default, if the argument is not provided.

    Default value: -

  • -l, --len <INDEL_LEN_THRESHOLD> — Minimum block size for alignment graph (in nucleotides)

    Default value: 100

  • -a, --alpha <ALPHA> — Energy cost for splitting a block during alignment merger. Controls graph fragmentation, see documentation

    Default value: 100

  • -b, --beta <BETA> — Energy cost for diversity in the alignment. A high value prevents merging of distantly-related sequences in the same block, see documentation

    Default value: 10

  • -s, --sensitivity <SENSITIVITY> — Used to set pairwise alignment sensitivity for minimap aligner. Corresponds to option -x asm5/asm10/asm20 in minimap2

    Default value: 10

  • -K, --kmer-length <KMER_LENGTH> — Sets kmer length for mmseqs2 aligner

  • -c, --circular — Toggle if input genomes are circular

  • -x, --max-self-map <MAX_SELF_MAP> — Maximum number of alignment rounds to consider per pairwise graph merger

    Default value: 100

  • -k, --alignment-kernel <ALIGNMENT_KERNEL> — Backend to use for pairwise genome alignment

    Nb: mmseqs is more sensitive to highly-diverged sequences, but slower and requires more memory. It is not provided with Pangraph, so you need to install it separately (see:

    Default value: minimap2

    Possible values: minimap2, mmseqs

  • -f, --verify — Sanity check: after construction verifies that the original sequences can be reconstructed exactly from the resulting pangraph. Raises an error otherwise

  • --no-progress-bar — Toggle to disable progress bar. Notice that the progress bar is only displayed if the output is specified via the -o argument

pangraph export

Export a pangraph to a chosen file format(s)

Usage: pangraph export <COMMAND>

  • gfa — Export to GFA v1 format
  • block-consensus — Export block consensus sequences to a fasta file
  • block-sequences — Export aligned or unaligned sequences for each block in separate fasta files. Note that alignments exclude insertions
  • core-genome — Export the core-genome alignment. Note that alignment excludes insertions

pangraph export gfa

Export to GFA v1 format

See GFA v1 format specifications:

Usage: pangraph export gfa [OPTIONS] [INPUT_JSON]

  • <INPUT_JSON> — Path to a pangraph file (native json).

    Accepts plain or compressed files. If a compressed file is provided, it will be transparently decompressed. Supported compression formats: gz, bz2, xz, zstd. Decompressor is chosen based on file extension.

    If no path provided, the uncompressed input is read from standard input (stdin).

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Path to output GFA file.

    See GFA v1 format specifications:

    If the provided file path ends with one of the supported extensions: "gz", "bz2", "xz", "zst", then the file will be written compressed. If the required directory tree does not exist, it will be created.

    Use "-" to write the uncompressed data to standard output (stdout). This is the default, if the argument is not provided.

    Default value: -

  • --minimum-length <MINIMUM_LENGTH> — Blocks below this length cutoff will not be exported

  • --maximum-length <MAXIMUM_LENGTH> — Blocks above this length cutoff will not be exported

  • --minimum-depth <MINIMUM_DEPTH> — Blocks below this depth cutoff will not be exported

  • --maximum-depth <MAXIMUM_DEPTH> — Blocks above this depth cutoff will not be exported

  • --include-sequences — Include block sequences in the GFA file

  • --no-duplicated — Exclude blocks that are duplicated in any path

pangraph export block-consensus

Export block consensus sequences to a fasta file

Usage: pangraph export block-consensus [OPTIONS] [INPUT_JSON]

  • <INPUT_JSON> — Path to a pangraph file (native json).

    Accepts plain or compressed files. If a compressed file is provided, it will be transparently decompressed. Supported compression formats: gz, bz2, xz, zstd. Decompressor is chosen based on file extension.

    If no path provided, the uncompressed input is read from standard input (stdin).

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Path to output FASTA file.


    If the provided file path ends with one of the supported extensions: "gz", "bz2", "xz", "zst", then the file will be written compressed. If the required directory tree does not exist, it will be created.

    Use "-" to write the uncompressed data to standard output (stdout). This is the default, if the argument is not provided.

    Default value: -

pangraph export block-sequences

Export aligned or unaligned sequences for each block in separate fasta files. Note that alignments exclude insertions

Usage: pangraph export block-sequences [OPTIONS] --output <OUTPUT> [INPUT_JSON]

  • <INPUT_JSON> — Path to a pangraph file (native json).

    Accepts plain or compressed files. If a compressed file is provided, it will be transparently decompressed. Supported compression formats: gz, bz2, xz, zstd. Decompressor is chosen based on file extension.

    If no path provided, the uncompressed input is read from standard input (stdin).

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Path to directory to write output FASTA files to. Files are named block_{block_id}.fa in the folder.


  • --unaligned — If set, then the full non-aligned block sequences are exported

pangraph export core-genome

Export the core-genome alignment. Note that alignment excludes insertions

Usage: pangraph export core-genome [OPTIONS] --guide-strain <GUIDE_STRAIN> [INPUT_JSON]

  • <INPUT_JSON> — Path to a pangraph file (native json).

    Accepts plain or compressed files. If a compressed file is provided, it will be transparently decompressed. Supported compression formats: gz, bz2, xz, zstd. Decompressor is chosen based on file extension.

    If no path provided, the uncompressed input is read from standard input (stdin).

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT> — Path to output FASTA file.


    If the provided file path ends with one of the supported extensions: "gz", "bz2", "xz", "zst", then the file will be written compressed. If the required directory tree does not exist, it will be created.

    Use "-" to write the uncompressed data to standard output (stdout). This is the default, if the argument is not provided.

    Default value: -

  • --guide-strain <GUIDE_STRAIN> — Specify the strain to use as a reference for the alignment. Core blocks are ordered and oriented (forward or reverse) according to the reference strain

  • --unaligned — If set, then the full core sequences are exported but not aligned.

    They should be linearly alignable and can be fed to an external aligner.

pangraph simplify

Generates a simplified graph that only contains a subset of the input genomes

Usage: pangraph simplify [OPTIONS] --strains <STRAINS> [INPUT]

  • <INPUT> — Path to Pangraph JSON.

    Accepts plain or compressed file. If a compressed file is provided, it will be transparently decompressed. Supported compression formats: gz, bz2, xz, zstd. Decompressor is chosen based on file extension.

    If no input file provided, the uncompressed input is read from standard input (stdin).

  • -o, --output <OUTPUT>

    Default value: -

  • -s, --strains <STRAINS> — Isolates to project onto: collapse the graph to only blocks contained by paths of the given isolates. List of strain names, comma-delimited without spaces

pangraph reconstruct

Reconstruct all input fasta sequences from graph

Usage: pangraph reconstruct [OPTIONS] [INPUT_GRAPH]

  • <INPUT_GRAPH> — Path to a pangenome graph file in JSON format.

    Accepts plain or compressed FASTA files. If a compressed fasta file is provided, it will be transparently decompressed. Supported compression formats: gz, bz2, xz, zstd. Decompressor is chosen based on file extension. If there's multiple input files, then different files can have different compression formats.

    If no input files provided, the plain fasta input is read from standard input (stdin).

  • -o, --output-fasta <OUTPUT_FASTA> — Path to output FASTA file with reconstructed sequences.

    If the provided file path ends with one of the supported extensions: "gz", "bz2", "xz", "zst", then the file will be written compressed. If the required directory tree does not exist, it will be created.

    Use "-" to write the uncompressed data to standard output (stdout). This is the default, if the argument is not provided. See:

    Default value: -

  • -f, --verify <VERIFY> — Path to the FASTA file with sequences to check the reconstructed sequences against. If this argument is provided, then the sequences are not being printed to standard output (stdout) as usual. Instead, if any differences are detected, a diff will be printed between the expected (original) sequence and reconstructed sequence.

    Accepts plain or compressed FASTA files. If a compressed fasta file is provided, it will be transparently decompressed. Supported compression formats: gz, bz2, xz, zstd. Decompressor is chosen based on file extension. If there's multiple input files, then different files can have different compression formats.

    Use "-" to read uncompressed FASTA from standard input (stdin).

pangraph schema

Generate JSON schema for Pangraph file format

Usage: pangraph schema [OPTIONS]

  • -o, --output-pangraph-schema <OUTPUT_PANGRAPH_SCHEMA> — Path to output JSON or YAML file to write generated JSON Schema definitions to.

    Use "-" to write the uncompressed data to standard output. This is the default, if this argument is not provided.


    Default value: -

pangraph completions

Generate shell completions.

This will print the completions file contents to the console. Refer to your shell's documentation on how to install the completions.

Example for Ubuntu Linux:

pangraph completions bash > ~/.local/share/bash-completion/pangraph

Usage: pangraph completions [SHELL]

  • <SHELL> — Name of the shell to generate appropriate completions

    Default value: bash

    Possible values: bash, elvish, fish, fig, powershell, zsh

pangraph help-markdown

Print command-line reference documentation in Markdown format

Usage: pangraph help-markdown

This document was generated automatically by clap-markdown.