About PyPangraph
PyPanGraph is a Python package to facilitate exploration and analysis of PanGraph output JSON files.
PyPangraph can be installed following these instructions.
Below you'll find some simple usage of PyPangraph. For a more complete guide you can follow the tutorials.
import pypangraph as pp
# load a graph
graph = pp.Pangraph.from_json("graph.json")
# pangraph object with 15 paths, 137 blocks and 1042 nodes
# recover a specific path with its identifier
path = graph.paths["RCS48_p1"]
# path object | name = RCS48_p1, n. nodes = 60, length = 80596 bp
# extract a block alignment
block = graph.blocks[124231456905500231]
# block 124231456905500231, consensus len = 183 bp, n. nodes = 4
aln = block.to_biopython_alignment()
# Alignment with 15 rows and 2932 columns
# ...
# get blocks statistics (length, copy number...)
stats_df = graph.to_blockstats_df()
# block_id count n_strains duplicated core len
# 124231456905500231 15 15 False True 2202
# 149501466629434994 2 2 False False 210
# 279570196774736738 2 2 False False 1308
# ... ... ... ... ... ...