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Contributing to Pangraph

This guide describes how to setup developer environment, how to build Pangraph, contribute to the codebase and maintain the project.

Setup developer environment

This guide assumes Ubuntu 24.04 operating system, but will likely work similarly to any other Linux and Unix-like machine.

Pangraph is written in Rust. The usual rustup & cargo workflow can be used:

# Install required dependencies
# These particular commands are specific for Ubuntu Linux and will work on some other Debian-based Linux distros.
# Refer to documentation of your operating system to find how to install these dependencies.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install \
bash \
build-essential \
clang \
curl \
gcc \
git \
libbz2-dev \
libclang-dev \
liblzma-dev \
libssl-dev \
libzstd-dev \
make \
pkg-config \
zlib1g-dev \

# Install Rustup, the Rust version manager (
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | bash -s -- -y

# Add Rust tools to the $PATH. You might add this line to your .bashrc or .zshrc so that the $PATH is adjusted automatically when a new terminal session is opened.
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.cargo/bin"

Obtain source code

Pangraph is an open-source project and its source code is available on GitHub under MIT license.

To obtain source code use git to clone GitHub repository:

git clone

If you are a team member, use SSH url to be able to push securely and without password prompt (More details:

git clone

If you are not a team member, but want to contribute, make a fork, and clone your forked repository instead. You can then submit changes to pangraph as a Pull Request . Pangraph maintainers will then review your changes and will consider merging them into the main project.

Build and run

Build and run executables

# Go to the cloned directory
cd pangraph

# (optional) checkout a branch (different from default)
git checkout <branch_name>

# Build and run in debug mode (convenient for development, fast to build, slow to run, has more information in stack traces and when running under a debugger)
cargo run --bin=pangraph

# Run with additional arguments passed to the executable
cargo run --bin=pangraph -- --help

# Instead of `--bin=pangraph` you can also run any other executable from `packages/pangraph/src/bin/`. Just substitute its filename.
# This is a `cargo` convention: everything in `src/bin/` that has a `main()` function in it becomes an executable. This way you can add more executables.
cargo run --bin=my_executable

# Run Pangraph in release mode (slow to build, fast to run, very little information in stack traces and during debugging)
cargo run --release --bin=pangraph

# Alternatively, build and run separately. The compiled binaries will be in `target/` directory by default.
cargo run --release --bin=pangraph

Note, on first build of a particular project, cargo will search for one of the possible toolchain config files and will automatically install Rust version required by the project. This may cause first build to take longer than usual.


Install requirements

We run tests using cargo-nextest ( You can install it from GitHub Releases or build and install from source with

cargo install cargo-nextest --locked

All tests

Run all tests with:

cargo nextest run

Add --no-fail-fast flag to keep going even if there are failures.

A subset of tests can be ran by providing a regex matching full test name. For example to run tests test_foo and test_foo_bar

cargo nextest run foo

You may experiment with command line arguments and the prettytest script for the most useful and pleasant output:

cargo -q nextest run --success-output=immediate --workspace --cargo-quiet --no-fail-fast --hide-progress-bar --color=always | "./dev/prettytest"

Arguments of cargo test (and by extension cargo nextest) are somewhat confusing, so you could setup some personal shell scripts or aliases to simplify routine work on Rust projects.

See also:

Unit tests

If you want to run only unit tests:

cargo nextest run --lib
cargo nextest run --lib foo

Integration tests

If you want to run only integration tests:

cargo nextest run --test='*'
cargo nextest run --test='*' foo
cargo nextest run --test='foo'

Linting (static analysis)

Rust code is linted by running Clippy:

cargo clippy --all-targets --all

Clippy is configured in clippy.toml and .cargo/config.toml.

Formatting (code style)

Code formatting is done using rustfmt:

cargo fmt --all

Rustfmt is configured in rustfmt.toml.


Upgrading Rust

Rust version is defined in rust-toolchain.toml. When using cargo, the version defined in this file gets installed automatically.

Upgrading Rust

Dependencies for subprojects are defined in packages/**/Cargo.toml and in Cargo.lock. They are periodically upgraded by a dedicated maintainer, manually using cargo-upgrade from cargo-edit package.

cargo upgrade --workspace


End-user and developer documentation is in docs/ subdirectory. For details, see file there.





Continuous integration (CI), packaging and distribution